3 and 7, the only one made goals in the Premier League, Abu, Zal spent 32000000 pounds worth of. 3 in a row, the new Premier League season is the brainchild of Chelsea start. And overwhelmed Newcastle, Chelsea also reported on the last quarter of 0 to 2 lost. Of course the wheel and the front wheels also have similar to the wonderful, because master of the game still less new aid Azar, campaign he scored with a Premier League debut ball and heel pass assists, for the team to win made a great contribution. And his own 3 after the war is directly involved in the Premier League Chelsea all 8 goals of the 7, performance is called god. When the summer transfer market, with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich in one fell swoop thrown 3200 million pound sign French magician Azar, British media can be described as is exclamation, because such a price for the 21 year old teenager absolutely high price. Even if said Azar burgeoned in the French League already and even regarded as French hills, Mich., but login to the Premier League in the future or to the media dare easily argument, can only say that Blues owner Roman Abramovich and made a bet. And in fact, after the 3 round of the cheap soccer uniform Premier League, the British media has been very consistent wind vane, the value of 32000000 pounds Chelsea. Before the game and nemesis Newcastle confrontation, the first two Premier League, Zal was starting to play. The contribution of data is absolutely incredible guards, a total of 154 minutes he sent three times directly assists, creating two penalties. To know that two games Chelsea scored a total of 6 goals, and the one person in the Zal directly involved in 5. Such performances had to let the media of applause, is more important is that the adzharian game performance far more than these, his game is the key to the ball is become the team's offensive magic weapon, and World War Two 7 times threatened to send out the ball is also the team first. With this performance, Zal, there is no reason not to play the magpies. In fact, a Zal campaign still has become an absolute weapon to win the blues. If the first two and the magic of the performance of the Zal show a bit flawed, then the Belgian midfielder has not yet harvested Premier League goals. And today the adzharian harvest the Premier League debut ball, goal is to the simple and robust, Torres box making, while standing at the free throw line is Azar, he overnight, Premier League debut goal easily. At this time the game has just been 23 minutes. Certainly belongs to the adzharian performance is not over, the first half stoppage time, O hazard from the edge of the box back heel knock back, Torres to keep up with the right foot volley, the ball straight hanging goal right on the corner of the, Chelsea 2-0 lead. Overwhelmed by the heel pass, Azar is reciprocated to help El Nino to complete the goal, because before his penalty is from Torres of manufacturing. This is Zal 3 assists a game fourth assists, continue to dominate the premier league. In the second half of the match, cheap soccer uniform Zal and his teammates also hold a 2 - 0 victory, the team secured the League three game winning streak. Of course, Chelsea in the home court magpie, a Zal is undeniable. It is no exaggeration to say that Chelsea is now the Premier League three wins, the new season there is no doubt that when power first aid. Because of the 3 game, Chelsea scored 8 goals, he was involved in the production of 7 goals, 1 goals, 2 to create a penalty, 4 assists. Such.

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2:45 Mancini: Manchester City against Dortmund, abandoned lectt It is sheer fiction. Mancini Kwazalescott is one of the best in the Premier League in Beijing, Zhongwei time in the morning of October 3rd, the latest news, Premier League Manchester City coach Mancini accepted the media interview, the team is about to come to the Champions League life and death, expressed the expectations. Mancini think Dortmund is a very strong team, but Manchester City has the ability to get 3 points, and even the impact of the Champions league. Mancini also responded to the problem about Joleon Lescott, marshal of Italy said so-called abandoned rumors is non-existent, even praise Lescott is the best defender one. Tomorrow morning 2:45, Manchester City will usher in the Champions League with Dortmund, the game for Manchester City, the significance of major. First round match against Manchester City lost to Real Madrid, Dortmund is a smooth win Ajax, so the game once the city can not take 3 points, will be in a completely passive position in the outgoing. Mancini although on season led Manchester City won the Premier League, but with his hand on the squad, once in the Champions League for the second cheap soccer jerseys year in a row out of the group stage, class I am afraid it is difficult to avoid. Therefore Mancini for tonight's battle of life and death is also quite expectations. cheap soccer jerseys Mancini first response is the topic about Joleon Lescott, tensions between as Jose Mourinho and Ramos, the outside world is also rumored Mancini and England defender between exist. Mancini was not impressed, he said: Lescott is still an important part of my plan, while playing against Real Madrid in the Champions League he made a mistake. However, this does not affect the his position in my heart. Manchester City now has six or seven high level of defender, I will according to different opponents make a choice, but you can be sure of Lescott is one of the best defenders in my heart, the so-called abandoned rumors are simply non-existent. Subsequently, Mancini talked about the Champions League match against Dortmund, Italy manager said the opponent is very strong. Dortmund is the Bundesliga champions, their strength is very strong. In my opinion they are even one of the best teams in Europe, and it is bound to be difficult. They are a young and dynamic team, players have very good ability and quality. Mancini, of course, is not afraid of Dortmund, he said: Although the opponent is very strong, but the city's goal is very clear, we want to ensure that 3 points at home. For me personally, I am very eager to refresh my Champions League best results, I think I am ready, Manchester City is ready. Mancini then said Manchester City have the ability to win the Champions league. I think we are not a rookie, last season's out to make the team accumulated experience, the Champions League is a tough match, but the football game is the same, and ultimately rely on strength. Manchester City goal is from a Premier League, La Liga, with the Bundesliga champions and Eredivisie champions of the death group. Entering the playoffs after anything can happen, but I think Manchester City will be one of the best teams, won the championship is just around the corner.

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2-8! 0-6! 1-5! 3-6! The gunman was five in the league, strongtop left click to watch the video Phoenix sports news from the 1-5 defeat to Liverpool in just 42 days time, Arsenal get a 0-6 defeat in the match against Chelsea. This is Arsenal at the end of the season to eat the three defeated, respectively 3-6 defeat to Manchester City, 1-5 defeat to Liverpool and the 0-6 defeat to Chelsea. In fact in recent years, the gunman was no less other Premiership powers bloodbath, 2-8 defeat to Manchester United's shame, in fact, also did not last long. After entering the Henry era Arsenal first in the 07-08 season, the away game 5-1 defeat to North London rivals Tottenham, subsequently in the 2008-09 season, against Chelsea and Manchester City game, Arsenal have lost 0-3, open the bloody tragedy history. August 28, 2011, Arsenal in the away game 2-8 no match for Manchester United, the score so far. The Champions League, Arsenal have also be bloodbath masterpiece, February 16, 2012, was optimistic about the outside world and Arsenal in the Champions League visit Milan unexpectedly 0-4 defeat, directly to the two round competition lost suspense. But the real nightmare is coming this season. During the first half of the season, Arsenal for a long time among the top of the Premier League, and take the premier half range champion and team looks with reborn, however on the road and Manchester City top war Arsenal in a to eat 3-6 defeat, then enter the new year, on the road against wholesale thailand soccer jerseys had at home to beat Liverpool, cheap soccer uniform Arsenal and 1-5 lost the cleaners, again in 6 points war defeat and return. Against Chelsea, Arsenal could not escape the fate of 0-6, gunmen bloodbath, the third time this season is. To know

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